Ramadan is one of the holiest and special months of Islamic calendar year. It marks significance in believer's routine and offers an opportunity to ask Allah for forgiveness/blessings and engage in charitable activities aimed at improving the lives of less privileged Muslim brothers and sisters.
The ideal goal for every Muslim in Ramadan should be to overcome their weaknesses in personality & character by fasting, prayers, and offering help (both financial and emotional) support to fellow Muslims. There are certain things that we should all try to avoid doing in Ramadan.
There are many things and acts we should avoid in Ramadan and during fast as some of them may include backbiting, lying, swearing or anger |
1) Sleeping All Day
It has been observed that a large number of Muslims, especially young ones (college-going or the unemployed) spend their fasts while sleeping most of the day.
Some go to sleep at morning and wake up an hour before Iftaar. This allows them to avoid going through the stage of hunger and thirst. The purpose of fasting is not to sleep all day or it kills its spirit which is: understand how it feels to spend most of your day without drinking/eating.
This is the number one thing that many Muslims, especially youth, must avoid. If you don't have many responsibilities, your Ramadan days can be spent by engaging in positive activities such as reading/learning Quran, or watching Islamic programs on different topics either on Youtube or read books.
2) Delaying Prayers or Not Offering At All While Fasting
Many Muslims keep fast but they fail to pray on time during the day. They are either busy at work or are sleeping. Salah is mandatory prayer for every Muslim in and outside of Ramadan. Ramadan offers great virtues for mandatory prayers and we should consider it as a bonus and pray on time. For male Muslims, they should offer it in Masjid while females should ensure that they do it at homes on time.
3) Foul Language / Swearing
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said: "Most of your sins are because of your tongue." [ Al Tabarani]
4) Lying
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ says: "Be ware of lying, for lying leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to Hell" [Bukhari 6094]
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said: "Whoever does not give up false speech (i.e. telling lies) and evil deeds and speaking bad words to others, Allah does not need his (fast) leaving his food & drink."
5) Backbiting
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ has said: "A backbiter will not enter paradise" [Bukhari 6056]
6) Anger
“Fasting is a shield, so the one who fasts should avoid obscene speech and ignorant behavior. If someone abuses him or starts to fight with him, he should reply by saying: I am fasting, I am fasting.” (Bukhari)
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