Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What to Bring on Your First Solo Road Trip

  Pakrush Admin       Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Imagine yourself driving across country along an unfamiliar road. You hear nothing but the sound of wind through a rolled-down window, the humming of the car engine, and maybe your favorite song playing from the car speakers. Road trips are one of the most fun and memorable experiences you will ever go through. What makes road trips much more special is when you decide to have one on your own, free from the constraints or opinions of others.
What to Bring on Your First Solo Road Trip
What to Bring on Your First Solo Road Trip
Solo road trips can be intimidating. Things can get pretty quiet and lonely real quick, while emergencies are harder to manage when you’re on your own. You can’t help but be worried about things that can go wrong when you’re in the middle of nowhere. However, despite all these worst-case scenarios, properly preparing for a solo trip is key in having an enjoyable and hassle-free trip.

Adventure Essentials: Things to Bring on Your First Solo Road Trip

Solo trips don’t have to be difficult and impossible to arrange. Be prepared for anything with this list of solo road trip essentials to pack with you before you embark on your first ever road trip.

First Aid Kit

One of the first things you should make sure to have with you is a first aid kit. Having one with you is indispensable during emergencies and other mishaps in the event that you injure yourself. A first aid kit is a non-negotiable that should always be in every adventurer’s backpack.

Paper Map

Having an actual, physical map is underrated nowadays since most people use their phones and other GPS devices to navigate where they are going. Call us old souls, but having a paper map is more useful than you think. It doesn’t need a battery or data reception to work and is easy to use. Just remember to get an updated one so that you don’t get lost!

Car Repair Kit

Your body isn’t the only thing that needs attention when on the road. Your car is just as susceptible to breakdowns and maintenance. Always remember to bring essential car repair tools like spare tires, wrenches, tire jacks, and the like when traveling. Having duct tape with you is also an easy and quick temporary fix for most problems while on the road. Prevention, of course, is key. Make sure to have your car fixed and has undergone all necessary maintenance before traveling. Always check your fuel tank, brakes, and lights if they are working properly before you embark on your solo trip.

Electronic Gadgets

Taking electronic gadgets for granted when going on a solo trip is a foolish thing to do. Phones, for example, is a complete package of most of the things you need when traveling. From locating where the nearest gas station is to listening to music or taking photos of beautiful roadside scenery and tourist spots, phones are essential to have with you when on a trip. Make sure to bring power banks as well as mobile WiFi kits to keep you connected wherever you go.


Part of the fun of road trips is the opportunity to taste your destination’s local dishes, or checking out famous restaurants that you may have seen on TV or social media. While that is true, bringing your own snacks and water can help cut down on your expenses or have additional money to spend on other things such as souvenirs or passes for select destinations.

Create Memories: Make Your First Road Trip Unforgettable

The key to enjoying road trips is to accept that while you can’t prepare for everything that comes your way, always be ready for the things that you did prepare for, and go with the flow. Remember to enjoy your trip and adapt to whatever happens. Solo trips are both fun and a unique way of learning new things.

Thanks for reading What to Bring on Your First Solo Road Trip

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