Thursday, August 19, 2021

Key Takeaways From Hudaibiyah Treaty

  Anonymous       Thursday, August 19, 2021

The prophet is Allah's mercy to mankind, and his steps are those that have been perfected by Allah so that those who follow them will find Allah's mercy. For this reason, it is critical that we base our day-to-day actions on lessons learned from the prophet's life and times (pbuh). 

The treaty would be better understood if we went back in time and looked at the events that led up to it. The prophet was sent by Allah to deliver a message to the people of the world. In pursuit of this, he encountered some difficulties because the leaders of Makkah (Quraysh) at the time would not allow him to be free of interference. 

His people were being tormented, and it was necessary for them to relocate. The movement was known as Hijrah and it was intended to take people to Madinnah. After six years in Madina, the prophet had a dream in which He and his companions travelled to Makkah to perform the lesser hajj (umrah). The Umrah would be a significant accomplishment because it would bring their deanship to a close (religion).

The prophet embarked on his journey with approximately one thousand four hundred of his followers. It was at a place called Hudaybiyyah that they decided to set up their tent. During this time period, the prophet was aware that the Quraysh had devised a plan to deny him and his followers entry into Makkah, and so he dispatched Uthman bn Affan to the Quraysh to inform them that his intention in visiting Makkah was for Umrah and not for fighting. 

Uthman did as he was instructed, and the Quraysh refused to grant the prophet's request to allow him and all of his followers to enter. They, on the other hand, informed Uthman that he could perform his own hajj. The Quraysh sent an entourage to the prophet in an attempt to persuade him to return to Madinnah, but the prophet refused. 

Later on, a man named Suhayl bn Amr was dispatched, and he arrived in Hudaybiyyah, where he requested a truce, which became known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. A treaty is an agreement between two or more states or sovereigns that governs their relations.

Key Lessons To Learn

1-Muhammad (pbuh) dispatched a scout to check on the Quraysh before approaching Makkah. This is to say that we must never be caught off guard by our adversaries. This is evident in diplomatic circles, where spies are dispatched to other countries in order to detect threats to one's own.

2- When He (PBUH) and his followers arrived in Hudaybiyyah, they were thirsty and the only source of water was a well. When the prophet inserted his sword into the well, water gushed forth in sufficient quantity to satisfy his people. This indicates that the prophet performed miracles through Allah's power.

3- When the prophet sent Uthman to the Quraysh, he entrusted him with furthering Islam's propagation. Every position in which we find ourselves should be used to spread the Islamic message.

4- When Uthman was in Makkah, the Quraysh asked him to perform his own tawaf, but he refused, stating that he would do so only after the prophet did. This is a quality to emulate in a good follower.

5- Uthman did not return from the Quraysh in a timely manner, and there were widespread fears that he had been assassinated. The prophet's followers swore allegiance to him and promised to fight the Quraysh if Uthman was assassinated. Allah adored this so much that he sent the following revelation:
‘Allah was pleased with the believers as they pledged their allegiance beneath the tree.' (48: 181) 

6- The Quraysh were fearful when they came to know about the pledge beneath the tree. This demonstrates how our unity can act as a sufficient stronghold against our adversaries.

7- Before an agreement could be reached, the Quraysh sent a delegation to the prophet to request that he return to Makkah, but he refused, prompting the prophet to send a man, Mikraz bn Hafs. When the prophet first saw the man, he remarked, 'that is a treacherous man,' but when Suhayl bin Amr was sent, he stated, 'it is clear that they desire peace, as they have sent this man.' -Our actions speak for us in our absence.

8- Alli penned the agreement, which attests to the prophet's unlettered status.
The writing began with the name of Allah, followed by an introduction that reads, 'This is what Muhammad, Allah's prophet, has agreed to.' The Quraysh objected to it being written that way, and the prophet requested that it be changed to Muhammad, Abdullah's son. Islam forbids us from being rigid. When there are alternatives to a task, we should always take them.

9- Alli objected to the change, but the prophet asked Alli to show him where he could find it and then deleted it himself. That is what leadership by example entails.

10- The prophet was tasked with informing his people that they should return to Makkah following the treaty's signing, but they were too distressed to agree. He consulted his wife, Umm Salamah. Women were never considered second-class citizens by the Prophet. They received the best treatment and their voices were heard under Islamic rule.


Thanks for reading Key Takeaways From Hudaibiyah Treaty

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