Sunday, June 27, 2021

Umrah: Types and Rituals

  Anonymous       Sunday, June 27, 2021

In contrast to Hajj, which has specific dates in accordance with the Islamic lunar calendar, the Umrah  is an Islamic pilgrimage to Meca (the Holiest Muslim City in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia), which can be undertaken at any time of the year.

A Muslim must first enter Ihram, which is a cleansing state achieved through purifying rituals, wearing the prescribed clothing, and abstaining from certain actions before embarking on either pilgrimage. 

Whenever you reach a Miqat, or major limit point in Mecca, such as Dhu l-Hulaifah, Juhfah, Qarnu l-Manzil, Yalamlam, Zt-i-Irq, or Ibrahm Mursyah in Al-Hill, you must perform this rite. When entering the city's perimeter, air travellers must adhere to a number of rules, including the Ihram (Islamic customs and traditions).

During Umrah, Muslims are required to perform two important rituals: Tawaf and Sa'i. The Tawaf is the circumambulation of the Kaaba. It is recommended that you complete the first three circuits as quickly as possible, followed by four rounds at a more leisurely pace. When Sa'i reached the Great Mosque of Mecca, between Safa and Marwah, he walked through it, commemorating the story of Hajar's search for water for her son and the mercy of God in praying. Halq, a partial or complete haircut, is traditionally given to pilgrims at the conclusion of their journey.

Due to the fact that it is not required but highly recommended, Umrah is sometimes referred to as the "lesser pilgrimage." When compared to Hajj, which can take several days, it can usually be completed in a couple of hours or less. Furthermore, it is not intended to be a substitute for Hajj. The fact is that they are both manifestations of the Muslim people's solidarity and submission to Allah (God).

Umrah Types and Rituals

Key Differences Between Hajj and Umrah 

Both are Islamic pilgrimages; the primary differences are in the significance of the pilgrimage and the manner in which they are observed. 

  • The Hajj is one of Islam's five pillars, and it is a religious obligation. If he is physically fit and financially able, every Muslim should participate at least once in his or her lifetime.
  • The Hajj is a religious pilgrimage that takes place during specific days in a designated Islamic month during a specific time period. Umrah, on the other hand, can be performed at any time of day or night.
  • Despite the fact that they have similar rites, Umrah can be completed in a matter of hours, whereas Hajj requires more time and rituals.

Types of Umrah

There are various types of Umrah performed during the Hajj period, depending on whether or not the pilgrim wishes to perform Umrah in conjunction with other acts of worship, thereby combining their benefits. It is considered a "enjoyment" ritual (Arabic: Umrat at-tamattu) when performed in conjunction with Hajj, and it is included in the more comprehensive Hajj of fun ritual (Arabic: Umrat at-tamattu) (Arabic:, romanized: ajj at-tamattu). To be more specific, the Umrah rituals are performed first, followed by the Hajj rituals, in that order. A "single" Umrah is one that is performed in isolation from the Hajj, unless otherwise specified is known as Umrah Mufradah. 

Rituals of Umrah

The pilgrim engages in a series of ritual acts symbolic of Ibrahim's (Abraham's) and Hajar's lives, as well as of solidarity with Muslims worldwide. Pilgrims enter Mecca's perimeter in a state of Ihram and perform the following:


Tawaf is a term that refers to the act of circumambulating the Holy Kaaba in worship, which entails going around the Ka'bah seven times in an anticlockwise direction. Men are encouraged to make small changes through ihram cloth, covering the left sholder and opening the right sholder; this is referred to as idtiba. 

Proceed to the Tawaf starting point ( Hajre aswad and green light line ). Face the Kaaba, Raise your hands in the manner of Salah and recite " Bismillahi Allahu Akbar" as you begin moving to your right. For males, the first three rounds should be completed quickly (this is called ramal), followed by four more closely spaced rounds completed at a leisurely pace. Carry out seven rounds in the same manner.


Sa'i, which entails walking seven times between the Safa and Marwah hills. Men are encouraged to walk quickly in areas with green lights. This is a dramatic recreation of Hajar's desperate search for water. The infant Isma'il (Ishmael) cried and struck the ground with his foot (some versions of the storey state that an angel scraped his foot or the tip of his wing against the ground), and water miraculously appeared. Today, this source of water is referred to as the Well of Zamzam.


Taqsir or halq: Taqsir is a form of partial hair reduction that is typically reserved for women who have cut at least one inch of their hair. Halq is a term that refers to a complete shave of the head, which is typically performed on men. Both of these imply a willingness to submit one's will to God over glorifying outward appearances. The shaving/cutting of the head is reserved for the end of Umrah.
These rituals conclude the Umrah, at which point the pilgrim may leave ihram. While it is not required, the majority of pilgrims drink water from the Well of Zamzam. Islam's various sects perform these rituals in slightly different ways. The days preceding, during, and following the Hajj, as well as the final ten days of Ramadan, are the busiest pilgrimage periods.


Thanks for reading Umrah: Types and Rituals

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