Sunday, June 27, 2021

Types of Hajj

  Anonymous       Sunday, June 27, 2021

There are three different types of Hajj, each with slightly different requirements, but all of which involve the performance of the same rites and acts of worship in accordance with the Islamic law. When it comes to performing Hajj, you have three options.

Al-Tamattu Hajj

This type of pilgrimage involves performing Umrah during the Hajj months (Shawwaal, Dhul Qadah, and Dhul Hijjah), which is typically a few days before the Hajj begins, and then performing the Hajj rites once the pilgrimage officially begins during one of the three months of the Islamic calendar. 

Tamattu, which translates as "pleasure," refers to the additional benefit of performing both Hajj and Umrah on the same journey, rather than having to return home between them. Additionally, following Umrah, the pilgrim is free to live a normal life free of restrictions until Ihram is assumed once more for Hajj, at which point he or she is required to return to the mosque.

It is the most straightforward and frequently performed type of Hajj, as it is carried out by the overwhelming majority of pilgrims. In general, it is the preferred pilgrimage of the Afaqi, i.e. the pilgrim who travels to Makkah from another part of the world.

This type of Hajj is distinguished by the pursuit of two distinct goals. A desire for Umrah is expressed prior to crossing the Miqat, whereas a desire for Hajj is expressed in Makkah after Umrah has been completed, according to Islamic tradition.

Mutamatti is the term used to describe a pilgrim who participates in the Hajj al-Tamattu pilgrimage ritual.

Individuals from Makkah are discouraged from performing this type of Hajj, despite the fact that it is still permissible.


  • You should enter Ihram at the Miqat with the intention of performing Umrah there.
  • During the Hajj season of the same year, this Umrah must be completed prior to the start of the actual Hajj season.
  • Continue on to Makkah in order to begin the Umrah rites.
  • When arriving in Makkah, the Tawaf al-Umrah ritual is performed.
  • Perform two Salah Rakats in Maqam Ibrahim and take part in the drinking of Zamzam water in the area.
  • Follow the road until you reach Safa, where you will meet Sa'i. Unlike the Sa'i performed during the Hajj, this is not a religious ceremony.
  • Take the Halq or Taqsir route. Because their heads will be shaved during Hajj, it is preferable for men to trim their beards rather than shave them. Women's hair must be trimmed on a regular basis.

Your Umrah is now complete, and the Ihram restrictions have been lifted. Showering and dressing are usually possible. The Hajj rites will begin on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah, which is the first day of the Hajj proceedings.

  • On the 8th of Dhul Hijjah, you will renew your intention to perform Hajj at your place of residence or in Masjid al-Haram.
  • You will re-enter Ihram in accordance with the instructions. There is no requirement to visit a specific Miqat in order to enter Ihram.
  • You will travel to Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah in order to carry out the rites and actions of the Hajj pilgrimage.

The Hajj al-Tamattu ritual necessitates the sacrifice of animals. Sacrificial animals can be obtained through your representative in Mina.

Haji Al-Qiran 

Haji Al-Qiran is the practice of performing Umrah and Hajj at the same time during the Hajj season, with only one intention and Ihram for both, during the Hajj season. The Hajj type is considered to be the most difficult because it requires the pilgrim to adhere to Ihram for a longer period of time than the other two types of pilgrimages. During the month of Hajjat al-Wada, the Prophet performed Hajj al-Qiran.

It is possible to perform Hajj with only a single intention, made before crossing the Miqat.

A Qarin is a pilgrim who has travelled to Mecca to perform the Hajj al-Qiran.

In accordance with the Hanafi school of thought, people from Makkah are discouraged from performing the Hajj type of pilgrimage, even if it is still legal.


  • Enter Ihram at the Miqat in order to perform both the Hajj and the Umrah rituals.
  • Make your way to Makkah to begin the rites of the Umrah.
  • If you are a Hanafi, you should perform the Tawaf al-Umrah when you arrive. Sa'i must be completed as soon as possible following Tawaf al-Umrah. This Sa'i will be enough to cover Sa'i's Umrah obligations.

If you follow one of the schools of Maliki, Shafi'i, or Hanbali, you should perform Tawaf al-Qudum when you arrive in Makkah. It is identical to Tawaf al-Umrah, with the exception of the purpose. Sa'i can be performed immediately after Tawaf al-Qudum or after Tawaf al-Ziyarah, depending on the circumstances. According to these schools of thought, Sa'i should only be observed once during the pilgrimages of Umrah and Hajj.

Your Umrah is comprised of these rites.

You are not permitted to practice Halq or Taqsir. You should maintain Ihram between Umrah and Hajj, and you should only abandon Ihram on the day of Yawm al-Nahr.

Al-Ifrad Hajj

Hajj al-Ifrad is a type of Hajj that is performed during the Hajj season without performing Umrah. Residents of Makkah, for example, who make frequent trips to the Kaaba, are among those who practice this type of Hajj. Hajj al-Ifrad pilgrims will typically arrive a few days before the first day of Hajj (8th of Dhul Hijjah), whereas pilgrims of the other two types will typically arrive a few days before the first day of Hajj.

This Hajj type is only used for the performance of the Hajj without the accompanying performance of the Umra.

A Mufrid is a pilgrim who participates in the Hajj al-Ifrad pilgrimage.

This is the preferred method of performing Hajj in Makkah and for people living near the Miqat border.


  • In order to perform Hajj, you must first enter the state of Ihram at the Miqat.
  • At the time of Makkah's arrival, perform Tawaf al-Qudum.
  • Perform two Salah Rakats in Maqam Ibrahim and take part in the drinking of Zamzam water in the area.
  • It is possible to perform Sa'i immediately following Tawaf al-Ziyarah or after Tawaf al-Ziyarah.
  • You are not permitted to practise Halq or Taqsir. You should maintain Ihram between Umrah and Hajj, and you should only abandon Ihram on the day of Yawm al-Nahr. 


Thanks for reading Types of Hajj

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