Friday, January 15, 2021

Dua for financial success, independence & breakthrough

  Pakrush Admin       Friday, January 15, 2021

Financial independence & success is a blessing and those of you who are struggling to make ends meet can tell how important it is to have enough financial resources to live a fulfilled and stress-free life. 

In addition to working hard, finding new ways and making strategies to achieve financial success, Allah also wants us to have faith in Him as Razzaq because He is the originator of wealth, money, assets and all kinds of financial opportunities.  

Dua Prayer for Financial Success, Independence & Breakthrough
Understand, learn, practice and recite this Islamic prayer / dua to gain financial success, breakthrough and achieve financial independence 

dua for financial success, independence, breakthrough in Arabic and English
Arabic text, English translation and transliteration of dua for financial independence, success and breakthrough

Make financial breakthrough with this dua 

It is not enough to just sometimes recite this supplication with empty feelings and little or no faith. What you need to do is literally practice this dua by understanding and believing Allah is actually bigger than all your financial limitations, fears, anxieties and weaknesses that actually stop you from achieving success in your financial life. 

Powerful tips for your financial independence

➤ Don't just recite sometimes, make this dua your habit and part of daily life. 

➤ After every salah, spend 5-10 minutes practicing this dua. Dwell upon its meaning, and think about how easy it is for Allah to make you financially independent.

➤ Just throw away people's negative opinions about yourself. Do not listen to negative news, economic fears, ego-driven religious talks that tell you Allah wants to keep people in poverty. These are all lies and people's own fears. 

➤ Focus on how powerful, big, resourceful, and intelligent Allah is compared with your fears, limitations and all the people around you.

➤ Assure Allah that you fully believe in His powers, mercy and His attribute Al-Razzaq and you will work hard and will not fear anything except Him.

➤ Allah is pleased when we praise and appreciate Him sincerely. He gives us more when we thank Him for blessings. Be thankful to Allah for your current financial status, and He will give you more. So, thank Allah for this dua His resources, money, food, house, technology, customers, buyers, workers, learning, your current skills (no matter how good or bad your skills are, just thank God with fully sincerity and you will see your skills improve miraculously). [ read  👉 Power of thankfulness: 15 Quran verses tell]

Allah isn't stopping you from financial success -- It is your own fears, mistakes, and weak faith

Allah has no trouble giving you financial independence. The problem lies with us humans who develop negative limiting beliefs about money and financial progress....So discard all your fears and replace them with positive, Quran-backed thinking.

Be frank with Allah and tell Him how much success you want

While you recite the prayer for financial independence, you need to be honest and express your desire to Allah regarding your financial aims. Don't be shy and afraid. Your are asking Allah, not some limited, ego-driven human who has his own fears and false knowledge about financial success. 

Allah will give you big financial thinking, unshakable financial confidence and deeper financial wisdom

Tell Allah in your mind how much success and how much financially independent you want to be ! Don't hesitate. Allah isn't like people. He won't make fun of your desires, neither will He discourage you. Rather He will guide you how to fight your way through it. 

Why rely on Allah for financial success

As long as things are easy for you, just be thankful to Allah that your situation has not been made difficult. Thank Allah everyday that money comes easy to you. Thanks because there are millions of people who are struggling for basic needs like putting food on the table. But when things seem beyond your control, capability and skills, trusting the Lord with full faith is the way to move forward.

Allah owns all the money, all the wealth and resources, and He knows exactly how to bring it to you. Sometimes you may find yourself struggling, competing and feeling frustrated as you don't feel satisfied and successful enough. Put your entire trust in God and see financial miracles happen right before your eyes.


Thanks for reading Dua for financial success, independence & breakthrough

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